ReducesDCI Dual Concentric Injector with Ultra Fast WashoutDCI Dual Concentric Injector with Ultra Fast Washout single peak response to below 1 ms
The Dual Concentric Injector (DCI) is a robust high-efficiency sample transport device designed to move particles from the ablation site directly to the tip of the ICP injector with low mixing, resulting in much faster washout times. Overall, the DCI can give up to a 100 fold improvement in washout speeds, allowing much faster scan rates and repetition rates to be used for much faster imaging.
Ultra-fast washout
- The Dual Concentric Injector (DCI) enables complete transient peak width of <50ms with TwoVol2 and <1ms with TwoVol3 for high-speed or high-resolution imaging.
- Improved spatial resolution in imaging experiments – true sub-micron ablations available with imageBIO266 and imageGEO193.
- Faster imaging speeds with less lateral “smearing”.
- Keeping ions on axis and improving transmission through the ICPMS interface increases signal intensity.
Easy installation
- Install in < 5 minutes
- Integration with the ICPMS torch itself ensures alignment with the sampling interface
- Immune to misalignment during operation, creating stable experiment conditions
- Compatible with TwoVol3 and TwoVol2 ablation chambers
- Compatible with all major ICPMS instruments
Developed in conjunction with the University of Loughborough.
Patent Numbers: US 2014 8879064; EP 2795340 B1; WO 2013 095784 A1; JP 6144701 B2; CN 104040359 B; KR 102082017 B1; TW I558993 B