Introducing Artifact from Elemental Scientific Lasers
Credit: Cranfield University
With an extra-large additional laser ablation chamber for application flexiblity and optimization of large and/or precious samples
- Additional secondary workspace
- Ample space for accommodation of large & precious samples
- Software switch from primary ablation chamber to secondary workspace
- Secondary workspace can incorporate SelfSeal technology
- Ablation occurs in a Class 1 laser safe environment

- Large, precious and irregular samples
- Archaeological
- Artwork
- Vases
- Jewelry
- Gemstones
- Nuclear Samples
- Laser beam and video is easily switched from main instrument chamber into secondary, "Artifact" workspace
- The Artifact workspace can be equipped with Selfeal technology for analysis of large or irregularly shaped samples
- Includes a standard ESL laser ablation system with TwoVol2 or TwoVol3 ablation chamber for more standard LA applications
- System is on wheels for laboratory mobility